Penis Envy Magic Mushroom

Psilocybin mushrooms “Magic Mushrooms”

This sheet talks about using psilocybin mushrooms (“Magic Mushrooms”) in a pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This information should not take the place of medical care and advice from your healthcare provider.

What are Psilocybin mushrooms (“magic mushrooms”)?

The term magic mushrooms refer to mushrooms with hallucinogenic properties (causing changes in your reality) that are taken as an illegal drug. Psilocin and psilocybin are the hallucinogenic components found in certain types of mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms are sometimes called other names such as caps, shrooms, and buttons. Magic mushrooms are usually eaten fresh or dried but may be brewed in a tea or added to food.

I take magic mushrooms. Can it make it harder for me to become pregnant?

Studies have not been done to see if using magic mushrooms could make it harder for a woman to get pregnant.

Does taking magic mushrooms increase the chance for miscarriage?

Miscarriage can occur in any pregnancy. Users of magic mushrooms also report using other drugs such as cocaine, Ecstasy, LSD, and non-prescribed prescription drugs which may add more chance for miscarriage. Another concern is mistaking poisonous mushrooms for magic mushrooms which could lead to a medical emergency. Since users of magic mushrooms generally use other substances as well, it is unknown if using magic mushrooms increases the chance for miscarriage.

Does taking magic mushrooms increase the chance of birth defects?

In every pregnancy, a woman starts with a 3-5% chance of having a baby with a birth defect. This is called her background risk. Studies on women have not been done to see if using magic mushrooms increases the chance of birth defects. A single animal study showed no increased chance of physical birth defects.

Could taking magic mushrooms cause other pregnancy complications or long-term problems in behavior or learning for the baby?

There are no published studies on the long term effects of using magic mushrooms during pregnancy. It’s unknown if magic mushrooms can increase the chance for pregnancy complications or affect a baby’s brain or development.

Can I breastfeed while taking magic mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms have not been studied for use during breastfeeding. If you are taking magic mushrooms while breastfeeding and you suspect that the baby has unusual symptoms, contact the child’s healthcare provider. Be sure to talk to your health care provider about all of your breastfeeding questions.

If a man takes magic mushrooms, could it affect his fertility (ability to get partner pregnant) or increase the chance of birth defects?

There are no studies looking at male fertility or possible risks to a pregnancy when the father takes magic mushrooms. In general, exposures that fathers have are unlikely to increase risks to a pregnancy. For more information, please see the MotherToBaby fact sheet Paternal Exposures at sheets/paternal-exposures-pregnancy/pdf/.

Selected References:

  • Hallock RM, et al. 2013.A survey of hallucinogenic mushroom use, factors related to usage, and perceptions of use among college students. Drug Alcohol Depend. 130(1-3):245-8.
  • Rolsten C, 1997. Effects of chlorpromazine and psilocin on pregnancy of C57BL/10 mice and their offspring at birth. Anat Rec 157:311.
  • Timar L, Czeizal AE. 1997, Birth weight and congenital anomalies following poisonous mushroom intoxication during pregnancy. Reprod Toxicol 11: 861

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